In spite of the uncertainty of the last two years, Chinnor and Thame Friends of the Earth have continued to campaign and take practical action to support the environment. We have held our meetings on Zoom and taken part in discussion and training events with other groups online. We have also continued to deliver our programme of informative talks online.
Events & Activities
Vegan shared supper (before lockdown)
September Chinnor Village Litter Pick
Set up a Chinnor 'Wombles' group
Planted over 70 trees around Chinnor
Supported hedge planting by Chinnor residents amounting to half a mile of new hedges
Set up a Solar Streets project
New Year tree planting at the Top Rec. in Chinnor
Donation of 18 adult and children's books on aspects of environmental protection to Chinnor Library

Leaflets & Publicity
Worked with Greening Chinnor on the four Chinnor Walks leaflets
Produced an information infographic flier to explain the Parish Council Environment Policy to the village, in response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency
Updated presentation of Anthony Simpson’s talk on ‘Climate for Electric Vehicles’
Developing this website!
Online Events
Public Zoom Meeting on ‘Climate for Electric Vehicles’
September Public Zoom meeting – The Mind-blowing Truth about Food
October Public Zoom meeting – Let’s Talk Waste and Recycling
November Public Zoom meeting – Supporting and Funding Community Led Renewable Energy Projects
May Public Zoom Meeting with Jan Stannard on ‘Rewilding’

Ongoing Projects
Pursuing the development of cycle links to the Phoenix Trail and accessible links between the surrounding villages
Pursuing the support of a Chinnor Community building for sustainable energy solutions, through the Low Carbon Hub, Oxfordshire
Developing links with other local groups to learn from each other and combine campaigns to be more effective
Clean Air Campaign
Developing strategies with Oxford FOE ahead of the COP 26 Climate Talks
Attended Climate Emergency demonstrations and supported the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill
Responding to planning applications in order to ensure climate considerations are taken into account

Worked with Oxfordshire groups to develop Oxfordshire’s Great Big Green Week in September
Worked with the Chinnor Parish Council to develop an Environment Policy in response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency
Supporting 'So Sustainable' pop-up refill shop in Chinnor and their move to Watlington (before lockdown)
Working with Lord Williams’ School (before lockdown)
Working with the Thame Green Living group on a number of projects, such as the Clean Air Campaign and the Solar Streets initiative